11 Early Signs of Alcoholic Liver Disease You Must Know

Alcohol intake is one of the major reasons for liver damage and diseases. Long term or excessive alcoholism damages cells and tissues of liver irreparably causing inflammation, scarring of tissues and alcoholic cirrhosis. But damages due to alcohol intake does not occur overnight.

signs of alcoholic liver disease

There are signs which warn a person and if problem is tended properly serious condition can be averted. Here is list of 11 early signs of alcoholic liver problems. If you have been consuming alcohol for a long time or excessively check these liver damage symptoms to know status of your liver health.

Fatigue, tiredness and weakness are early liver damage symptoms although these signs can arise due to many other reasons. Chronic fatigue shall be seen as clear symptom of liver disease along with other symptoms of liver problems. However if you are eating healthy and feel frequently tired and exhausted it may be due to poor liver function.

Nausea, indigestion, bloating and loss of appetite are other signs of liver disease. Body is unable to digest complex foods like fat and protein if liver is not working at optimum level. This causes fullness, bloating and loss of appetite along with fatigue and tiredness.

Change in color of urine is early warning bell for liver problem. The person having swollen or enlarged liver due to alcoholism sees brown colored urine resembling color of strong tea.

Jaundice is one of the symptoms of liver failure. In case of alcohol this can be a serious symptom as liver damaged by alcohol intake may take a long time to recover from jaundice. Longer jaundice stays weaker patient becomes. High level of bilrubin which is removed as waste product by liver is cause of jaundice. Longer stay of jaundice or frequent occurrences of jaundice are symptoms of liver failure.

Irregular bowel movements are also signs of liver problems. Victim faces chronic constipation and even signs of irritable bowel syndrome. If color of stools become dark or black it is sign of internal bleeding. Black or dark colored stools are cirrhosis early warning signs which indicate internal bleeding due to rupturing of blood vessels.

Itchy or thick skin is one of the 11 early signs of alcoholic liver problems. Due to liver damage the toxins float in blood and damage upper layer of skin to make it thick, spotted and itchy. Frequent itching over any part of the body or presence of odd-colored patches over skin is a sign of liver damage due to alcohol intake.

Bruising is one of the symptoms of liver failure. Person gets bruising due to low or no production of clotting proteins by liver. This protein forms clot and stops bleeding, but in absence of proper liver functions clotting mechanism gets disrupted and person gets bruises easily even without any injury or trauma.

Appearance of blue or red colored veins which look like a web of spider is cirrhosis early warning sign. These are life-threatening if occur in esophagus. The blood vessels may appear over any part of the body but generally are evident over thighs, calf, ankles etc.

Erectile dysfunction due to no other apparent reason is also symptom of liver damage. Other symptoms like shrinking testicles and enlargement of breasts indicate that person is facing erectile dysfunction due to liver failure.

Swelling in abdomen due to improper removal of fluids. This too is cirrhosis early warning sign. Body relies on liver to eliminate excess fluids from blood. If liver is damaged fluids remain in body and show-up as swelling in ankles and legs and in abdomen.

Confusion, dementia, anxiety etc. are also 11 early signs of alcoholic liver problems. Complete memory wipe-out of duration in which person was under influence of alcohol is also sign of serious alcoholic liver problems. These signs occur due to damage of brain cells and neurons caused by toxins allowed to float in blood due to poor liver functions.

If any of these signs arise you need to quit drinking or at least limit it within healthy range. The signs which indicate occurrence of cirrhosis demand complete avoidance of alcohol intake. To recover fast and naturally Livoplus capsules are best.

These come with herbs which eliminate toxins already present in blood and digestive tract and speed-up process of liver cell and tissue generation. Patient gets fast relief from problems like indigestion, nausea, bloating and chronic fatigue.

In short duration these pills improve liver health by diffusing inflammation and removing fat and toxin presence in the organ. Livoplus capsules not only treat swollen or fatty liver conditions but also check progression of cirrhosis and prolong life span of the victim.

These improve energy and mental health by improving metabolism and keeping blood free from damaging substances. Use of Livoplus capsules protect and repair damage caused to liver by alcohol and improve health of a person naturally.


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